Basic Concepts

Lets review the most commonly used functionality.


The TwitterClient let you perform operations from a specific set of credentials.

// Application client
var appClient = new TwitterClient("CONSUMER_KEY", "CONSUMER_SECRET");

// User client

Learn more about the the differences between app an user credentials

The documentation will use the following rules regarding the credentials:

  • appClient indicates that the endpoint requires Application Credentials (with or without bearer token)

  • userClient indicates that the endpoint requires User Credentials

  • client indicates that the endpoint requires either application or user credentials.


// Get the authenticated user
var authenticatedUser = await userClient.Users.GetAuthenticatedUserAsync();

// Get a specific user
var user = await client.Users.GetUserAsync("tweetinviapi");


// Publish a tweet
var publishedTweet = await userClient.Tweets.PublishTweetAsync("Hello Tweetinvi!");

// Get tweet by id
var tweet = await client.Tweets.GetTweetAsync(publishedTweet.Id);


// Get the tweets available on the user's home page
var homeTimeline = await userClient.Timelines.GetHomeTimelineAsync();

// Get tweets from a specific user
var userTimeline = await client.Timelines.GetUserTimelineAsync("tweetinviapi");


Tweetinvi offers a simple approach to paging endpoints. This is called iterator.

Learn more about iterators

Find an example below with the user timeline iterator.

var userTimelineIterator = client.Timelines.GetUserTimelineIterator("tweetinviapi");

while (!userTimelineIterator.Completed)
    var page = await userTimelineIterator.NextPageAsync();
    Console.WriteLine("Retrieved " + page.Count() + " tweets!");

Console.WriteLine("We have now retrieved all the tweets!");


Tweetinvi provide many overloads to support typical use cases.
All methods also provide an overload with a parameters class with more options.

These parameters can be accessed in the namespace using Tweetinvi.Parameters;.

Here is an example:

// simple search
var tweets = await client.Search.SearchTweetsAsync("hello");

// complex search
var frenchTweets = await client.Search.SearchTweetsAsync(new SearchTweetsParameters("hello")
    Lang = LanguageFilter.French

Methods are expecting an interface for example ISearchTweetsParameters.
Tweetinvi offers a default implementation for the parameters interfaces.
Remove the prefix I from the interface name and you will have the name of the class (SearchTweetsParameters).

Smart Objects

Some objects like tweets expose methods.
When you use invoke such methods, the client which created the object will be used to perform the request.

var tweet = await client.Tweets.GetTweetAsync(42);

// DestroyAsync will be invoked via client
// if client has app credentials, the operation will fail
// if client has the user credentials of the user who created the tweet, the operation will pass
await tweet.DestroyAsync();

// it is the same as executing
await userClient.Tweets.DestroyTweetAsync(tweet);

You can change the client of smart objects.

tweet.Client = myNewClient;

// DestroyAsync will be invoked via myNewClient
await tweet.DestroyAsync();