Twitter Client - Events

Events are here to help developers manage the lifecycle of requests but also for logging.
Each client will trigger its own events.

Event Description
BeforeWaitingForRequestRateLimits 1st event to be triggered. It is triggered as soon as a request is received.
If you use a Rate Limit handler, this event will be invoked before the handler has been invoked.
WaitingForRateLimit 2nd event. It informs that you exhausted the rate limits for the query and Tweetinvi will wait for the rate limits to be refreshed.
If you use a Rate Limit handler, this event will be invoked before the handler has been invoked.
BeforeExecutingRequest 3rd event. It informs that the request is about to be performed.
If you use a Rate Limit Handlers, this event will be invoked after the necessary rate limits allowance have become available.
AfterExecutingRequest 4th event. It informs that the request has completed (successfully or not).
OnTwitterException 5th event. It informs that the request resulted in an exception.

Client level events

To receive client events, you just need to subscribe to them.

var client = new TwitterClient(creds);

client.Events.BeforeExecutingRequest += (sender, args) =>
    // lets delay all operations from this client by 1 second

Application level events

If you wish to monitor the multiple clients or your entire application you can use the static TweetinviEvents as below.

// subscribe to application level events
TweetinviEvents.BeforeExecutingRequest += (sender, args) =>
    // application level logging

// For a client to be included in the application events you will need to subscribe to this client's events

Remember to unsubscribe your clients from your TweetinviEvents when you are done with them.
Not doing so will result in a memory pointer still in use and will prevent the Garbage Collector to collect the client.
