Filtered Streams

Filtered stream return tweets matching a specific set of criteria. (twitter doc)
Filtered streams support 3 type of filters, track (text content), location and users.

The sample stream supports all the generic stream functionalities. Read more about streams.

// Create a simple stream containing only tweets with the keyword France

var stream = userClient.Streams.CreateFilteredStream();

stream.MatchingTweetReceived += (sender, eventReceived) =>

await stream.StartMatchingAnyConditionAsync();


MatchingTweetReceived event contains multiple information helping you understand why the event was triggered.

MatchingTweetReceived - Properties

MatchOn - states which part of the tweet matched the filters criteria.
QuotedTweetMatchOn - states which part of the quoted tweet matched the filters criteria.

MatchOn Description
TweetText The text of the tweet matched at least one of the stream track filters
Follower The user who created the tweet matched at least one of the stream follow filters
TweetLocation The location where the tweet was published matched at least one of the stream location filters
FollowerInReplyTo The tweet was published to a user matching one of the stream follow filters
AllEntities Any of the entities matches one of the stream track filters
URLEntities At least one of the tweet url entity matches one of the stream track filters
HashTagEntities At least one of the tweet hashtag entity matches one of the stream track filters
UserMentionEntities At least one of the tweet user mention entity matches one of the stream track filters
SymbolEntities At least one of the tweet symbol entity matches one of the stream track filters

MatchingTracks - contains all the tracks that the tweet matched.
MatchingFollowers - contains all the user ids matching the followed users.
MatchingLocations - contains all the locations that the tweet matched

QuotedTweetMatchingTracks - contains all the tracks that the quoted tweet matched.
QuotedTweetMatchingFollowers - contains all the user ids included in the quoted tweet matching the followed users.
QuotedTweetMatchingLocations - contains all the locations that the quoted tweet matched

MatchingTweetReceived - MatchOn

Tweetinvi let you filter the results based on where the content was matched.
The stream.MatchOn property creates a filter and the MatchingTweetReceived will only be triggered if this condition is met.

By default stream.MatchOn is set to MatchOn.Everything, which means that any tweet received regardless of the reason will trigger the MatchingTweetReceived.

// configure the filtered stream to only trigger when a track was found in
// EITHER the text of tweet OR in the urls of the tweet
stream.MatchOn = MatchOn.TweetText | MatchOn.URLEntities;

Start Stream

Filtered stream can be started in 2 modes, ANY or ALL.
They define the conditions required for the MatchingTweetReceived event to be triggered.

Trigger Conditions A tweet matches EITHER a track OR a location OR a user A tweet matches BOTH a track AND a location AND a user
Invoke With await stream.StartMatchingAnyConditionAsync(); await stream.StartMatchingAllConditionsAsync();

Table comparing Any and All behaviour

var stream = userClient.Streams.CreateFilteredStream();
stream.AddTrack("hello world");

// ANY
await stream.StartMatchingAnyConditionAsync();

// ALL
await stream.StartMatchingAllConditionsAsync();
Tweet Text Published By Matched by ANY Matched by ALL Explanation
candy UserId: 1 NO NO ANY and ALL are not matched as "candy" is not tracked
hello UserId: 1 NO NO ANY and ALL are not matched as "hello" alone is not tracked, the text also need to contain "world"
hello world UserId: 1 YES NO ANY matched as "hello" and "world" are tracked

ALL is not matched as user id is not 42
france UserId: 1 YES NO ANY matched as "france" is tracked

ALL is not matched as user id is not 42
hello world france UserId: 1 YES NO ANY matched as "hello world" and "france" are tracked

ALL is not matched as user id is not 42
candy UserId: 42 YES NO ANY matched as tweet comes from user 42

ALL is not matched as "candy" is not tracked
hello UserId: 42 YES NO ANY matched as tweet comes from user 42

ALL is not matched as "hello" alone is not tracked
hello world UserId: 42 YES YES ANY matched as it needed either "hello world" tracked OR the tweet to be published by user 42

ALL matched as "hello world" is tracked AND tweet was published by user 42
france UserId: 42 YES YES ANY matched as it needed either "france" tracked OR the tweet to be published by user 42

ALL matched as "france" is tracked AND tweet was published by user 42
hello world france UserId: 42 YES YES ANY matched as it needed either ("hello world" OR "france") tracked OR the tweet to be published by user 42

ALL matched as it needed either ("hello world" OR "france") tracked AND tweet was published by user 42

Events per filter

MatchingTweetReceived allow you to find out when a tweet matching your filters criteria was received.
When creating a filter you can associate a callback that will be invoked when this filter is being matched.

stream.AddTrack("hello", tweet =>
    // A tweet containing 'hello' was found!

stream.AddTrack("bonjour", tweet =>
    // A tweet containing 'bonjour' was found!

stream.AddFollow(tweetinviapi, tweet =>
    // A tweet was published by or related to the tweetinviapi

stream.AddLocation(centerOfNewYork, tweet =>
    // A tweet was published from the middle of center of New York City

stream.MatchingTweetReceived += (sender, eventReceived) =>
    // A tweet containing EITHER 'hello' OR 'bonjour' was found


The filtered stream supports all the generic stream events.

Event Description
MatchingTweetReceived Indicates that a tweet matching the criteria you specified was created
NonMatchingTweetReceived Indicates that a tweet that is not matching the criteria was received (read more below)

NonMatchingTweetReceived event can be triggered when:

  • Your MatchOn stream filters has prevented this tweet from being matched

  • Tweetinvi library can perform additional filters that Twitter do not support.

  • Tweetinvi not properly understanding your filters. If this happen please open a ticket.