
Get a user

var tweetinviUser = await client.Users.GetUserAsync("tweetinviapi");
var tweetinviUser = await client.Users.GetUserAsync(1577389800);

// You can aslo get multiple users at once
var users = await client.Users.GetUsersAsync(new long[]{ 42, 1577389800 });

Get the authenticated user

Get the user associated with the client’s credentials. This user has additional fields and methods.

var authenticatedUser = await userClient.Users.GetAuthenticatedUserAsync();


Blocks the specified user from following the authenticating user. In addition the blocked user will not show in the authenticating users mentions or timeline (unless retweeted by another user). If a follow or friend relationship exists it is destroyed.

Learn more

await userClient.Users.BlockUserAsync(userId);
await userClient.Users.UnblockUserAsync(userId);
var blockedUserIds = await userClient.Users.GetBlockedUserIdsAsync();
// or
var blockedUserIdsIterator = userClient.Users.GetBlockedUserIdsIterator();
var blockedUsers = await userClient.Users.GetBlockedUsersAsync();
// or
var blockedUsersIterator = userClient.Users.GetBlockedUsersIterator();


Mute is a feature that allows you to remove an account’s Tweets from your timeline without unfollowing or blocking that account.

Learn more

await userClient.Users.MuteUserAsync(userId);
await userClient.Users.UnmuteUserAsync(userId);
var mutedUserIds = await userClient.Users.GetMutedUserIdsAsync();
// or
var mutedUserIdsIterator = userClient.Users.GetMutedUserIdsIterator();
var mutedUsers = await userClient.Users.GetMutedUsersAsync();
// or
var mutedUsersIterator = userClient.Users.GetMutedUsersIterator();

You can also list the users whose retweets are muted.

var usersWhoseRetweetsAreMuted = await userClient.Users.GetUserIdsWhoseRetweetsAreMutedAsync();


Report the specified user as a spam account to Twitter. Additionally, it blocks the user on behalf of the authenticated user.

Learn more

await userClient.Users.ReportUserForSpamAsync("");