Twitter Client

The Twitter client is an object centralizing all operations that can be performed via Tweetinvi.

A Twitter client is associated with a specific set of credentials which you provide when creating the client.
All operations performed by the client will use the associated credentials.

A Twitter client can be used and act as an application or as a user.

// Application client
var appClient = new TwitterClient("CONSUMER_KEY", "CONSUMER_SECRET");

// User client

The clients’ credentials are available under userClient.Credentials.
These credentials can be changed but my suggestion is that for each new set of credentials you create a new client.

Note that the credentials information are copied. If you passed a credentials object, changing properties of that object, will not change the properties of the client.Credentials


The Twitter client uses a default configuration that can be changed to match your needs.


Configure a proxy for your application to connect to the internet.

client.Config.ProxyConfig = new ProxyConfig("my-proxy-url")
    Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password")

HttpRequest Timeout

You can specify the maximum duration of some operations.

client.Config.HttpRequestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);


Older aplications need to use the old format of tweet objects. You can do so by specifying the TweetMode at a client level or per request.

// will add tweet_mode=compat for any tweet request 
client.Config.TweetMode = TweetMode.Compat;

await userClient.Tweets.PublishTweetAsync("hello");

Configuring the TweetMode of a request parameters will take priority over the TweetMode value set in the client config.

client.Config.TweetMode = TweetMode.Compat;

await userClient.Tweets.PublishTweetAsync(new PublishTweetParameters("hello")
    TweetMode = TweetMode.Extended

You can use TweetMode.None in a request parameters if you want to remove the compatibility for 1 specific rwequest.


Requests sent to Twitter require a signature with the current utc date included.
Signing a request with an invalid utc date will result in Twitter rejecting the request.
By default Tweetinvi will use Date.UtcNow.

Some machines are not configured with the correct time and will result in an invalid value of Date.UtcNow.
If the machine is intentionally misconfigured, you can override how tweetinvi gets the utc date time.

client.Config.GetUtcDateTime = () =>
    // your custom logic to retrieve a utc date time
    return new DateTime();


RateLimitTrackerMode gives you pre configured solution for managing rate limits in your applications.

To learn more about this config please read more here.


When RateLimitTrackerMode is enabled, this sets an additional duration to wait after the reset has completed.
Waiting for an additional duration help make sure that the reset has properly happened on the Twitter side.

client.Config.RateLimitWaitFudge = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);

Twitter Limits

TwitterLimits are used by the request validators to verify if a request you are attempting to perform is matching the limits imposed by Twitter.
This can involve the number of items, the size of text or specific values for numbers.

Tweetinvi limits are set as per the documentation and these values might change in the future.
If these values do change you have the ability to change the TwitterLimits.

client.Config.Limits.MESSAGES_GET_MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 100;

    client.Messages.ParametersValidator.Validate(new GetMessagesParameters
        PageSize = 101
catch (TwitterArgumentLimitException e)
    // Argument parameters.PageSize was over the limit of 100 page size