Json - Serialize/Deserialize

The process of serialization transforms an object into a string.
The process of deserialization transforms a string into an object.


TwitterClient.Json contains 2 methods that let you manipulate Tweetinvi objects as json.
The serializer supports all tweetinvi objects and arrays of such objects.

To serialize any Tweetinvi object you can use client.Json.Serialize.

ITweet tweet = await client.Tweets.GetTweetAsync(42);
string json = client.Json.Serialize(tweet);

You can do the reverse operation with client.Json.Deserialize.

ITweet deserializedTweet = client.Json.Deserialize<ITweet>(json);

Remember the concept of smart objects.
It also applies to deserialized objects.

It means that all actions performed from that object will be executed through the client which created it.


Factories are similar to Json but provide user friendly methods to create Tweetinvi objects.
They usually can take as a parameter either a json string or a Data Transfer Object (DTO).

// from serialized json
ITweet tweet = client.Factories.CreateTweet(json);

// from a dto
ITweetDTO dto = tweet.TweetDTO;
ITweet recreatedTweet = client.Factories.CreateTweet(dto);